Programme: Erasmus+
Action: Strategic Partnerships
Field: School Education
Submission No: 2018-1-UK01-KA201-048041
Acronym: MeLDE
Start Date: 01/09/2018
End Date: 31/08/2021
Duration:36 Months
Role: Partner
Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media. Media-literate citizens are better able to understand the complex messages we receive from television, radio, Internet, newspapers, magazines, video games, music, and all other forms of media. Media literacy empowers citizens with knowledge, skills and attitude to critically access information and media, to critically analyze information and media content and to engage with media and other information providers for social, civic and creative purposes. Certain media literacy topics help particularly with promoting active digital citizenship, critical thinking and democratic values. MeLDE will focus on some of these, e.g. Cyberbullying, Online safety, Understanding media content – Social media use, fake news, Online information gathering, Online political engagement and digital democracy (risks and benefits), Citizen and mobile journalism and Digital divide (equal access to media).
The project aims to develop relevant and high quality skills and competences and to open education and innovative practices in the digital era by offering open and free access to the tools to be developed both for participation in the MeLDE programme and for online assessment and validation of the skills acquired. It also aims to strengthen the profiles of teachers through the professional development course to be developed, the educational pack to be created to support teaching and learning of digital media skills. This will also be achieved through the introduction of evidence based data, benchmarks and indicators inbuilt in the framework to be developed and constant monitoring procedures for ensuring acquisition of competences and skills. In addition, quality youth work is promoted through the new interactive material, as well as the assessment tool which will follow students’ progress.
The direct target group is Secondary School Teachers whose profiles will be upgraded and strengthened through the professional development programme to be developed to acquire essential media literacy skills to support, protect and educate students in the topics identified while the indirect target group is Secondary School Students who will be the end beneficiaries.
P1: University of Wolverhampton (UoW) – Faculty of Arts (UK)
Contact Person: Ms. Alison Carminke (Alison.carminke [at] wlv.ac.uk)
P2: Private Institute Emphasys Centre (CY)
P3: National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (GR)
P4: Antenna Ltd (CY)
P5: Burgerhaus Bennohaus (AKO) (DE)
Website: http://meldeproject.eu/
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