Net Media Lab of N.C.S.R. «Demokritos» successfully organized the Greek Multiplier Event for the Erasmus+ Project primeTECH: Promoting Technology Enhanced Teaching in Primary Schools on Saturday 22 September 2018 at the Congress Center of N.C.S.R. «Demokritos».
Almost 100 people attended the event, most of which were Primary School Teachers. They had the opportunity to learn about the projects results with emphasis on the learning material and the e-learning and assessment platform that were developed in the framework of the project.
After the speeches, a workshop was organized, where participants had the opportunity to interact with the e-platform (http://primetech.iit.demokritos.gr/) with the help of Net Media Lab staff. In particular, they registered and enrolled in the courses, took tests, read the e-books and earned badges.
The participants showed a real interest in the primeTECH project results and asked questions about how they could use ICT tools in the educational process and how to incorporate blended learning methods with the use of an e-platform where they could upload teaching material as well as tests for their students. The Digital Open Badges that were used in the primeTECH project as an assessment method was the most discussed topic and it really gave primary school teachers the incentive to take the offered free courses and tests.